recruiTECH - Alexander Boudhina (DE)
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Alexander Boudhina (DE)

Bosch | HR Director / Service Center Manager Budapest, Global Business Services Division

After more than 15 years (within three countries) in the area of Human Resources in various business fields, I see my role in shaping our future HR environment. I have worked around the three main pillars such as HR Administration and Services, HR Business Partnering on close cooperation with our business leaders, as well as creating frameworks for policies and processes within the country to set new impulses in the dynamic business world around digitization, we are in nowadays.

Read our interview with Alexander HERE!

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  • SSC recruitment: 1 country, 1 labor market, 6 entities - challenges and opportunities | Presentation, Time: 09:00 - 09:25

    A centralized recruitment model through a Shared Service Center in one country while managing hiring across several locations in the same labor market presents both challenges and opportunities. The key to success in building a high-performing recruitment service is the balancing of processes, capacity and candidates. This session will explore these 3 ingredients of balancing:  1. How to balance standardized processes with local, individual stakeholder needs? 2. How to allocate capacity efficiently and flexibly where and when recruitment is needed? 3. How to navigate market dynamics: when to source from local vs. country labor market?