recruiTECH - "Those who fail to adapt will be left behind" - Interview with Miroslav Sendlai
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"Those who fail to adapt will be left behind" - Interview with Miroslav Sendlai


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What economic outlook do you see for 2025?

2025 will be both a challenge and an opportunity for companies. Economic uncertainty and technological changes will put pressure on recruitment efficiency. Companies will need to pay more attention to the return on investment in employer branding and HR marketing. Those who fail to adapt will struggle to attract quality candidates in an increasingly competitive environment.

What are your expectations for the intellectual labour market?

The demand for digital and analytical skills will continue to grow, but companies can no longer rely solely on passive recruitment methods. Candidates today are more informed and choose employers based on value alignment. This means employer branding must be authentic, rooted in real employee experiences rather than empty promises.

What are some common mistakes companies make when building their employer brand (especially in Slovakia)?

The biggest mistake is that companies talk only about themselves rather than what matters to candidates. Job ads are often filled with corporate jargon and clichés, but they lack real reasons why a candidate should apply. Another issue is the disconnect between what a company communicates externally and the internal reality—this leads to high turnover.

How can they avoid them to attract and retain top talent?

It’s simple—start listening to your employees. If you want to attract top talent, you need to clearly and authentically communicate what you offer. Don’t underestimate the importance of well-written job ads and targeted employer branding. Sticking company values on a wall isn’t enough—you need to live them and showcase them in daily practice.

What are some recruitment challenges you would highlight specifically in your country/region?

In Slovakia, we struggle with demographic issues and brain drain to foreign markets. Skilled professionals have options, and if they don’t find enough opportunities here, they leave. Companies still rely on outdated recruitment methods that no longer work. If you want to attract younger generations, you must learn to speak their language and engage with them through their preferred channels.

If you could give one piece of advice to the industry, what would it be?

Stop recruiting like it’s 2010. The job market has changed, candidates have different expectations, and passively waiting for résumés no longer works. Invest in strong employer branding, put effort into well-crafted job postings, and actively engage with potential talent communities. Those who fail to adapt will be left behind.

Thank you for the answers Miroslav Sendlai, the ambassador of recruiTECH CEE from Slovakia!