recruiTECH - "Embrace AI - make it your friend and not your enemy" - Interview with Kevin Wheeler (Global Learning Resources, Inc.)
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"Embrace AI - make it your friend and not your enemy" - Interview with Kevin Wheeler (Global Learning Resources, Inc.)


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Where do recruitment organisations need to improve on the corporate side?

They need to streamline their operations by using automation and AI tools to assist in areas such as sourcing and screening candidates as well as in date entry and other administrative tasks.

What should recruiters focus on in 2025?

Understanding and using AI tools, focusing on building candidate and hiring manager relationships, and enlarging their scope to include the gig workforce and other sources of talent.

What has been the biggest professional challenge for you so far?

The use of AI which exploded in 2024 and will continue to grow and assist recruiters by doing many tasks usually considered the recruiter’s job. These include screening candidates, even doing initial interviews, making hiring recommendations, and communicating with candidates.

If you could give one piece of advice to the industry, what would it be?

Embrace AI – make it your friend and not your enemy. Learn how to make it useful and let it take over those administrative and routine tasks that consume your time. Use the extra time to learn new skills and build relationships.

What is your opinion on AI?

It is the future. AI agents and other tools will replace many recruiters and force the remaining recruiters to up their game, learn new skills, enlarge what they do to encompass areas such as employee development.

Is AI taking away from recruiters' jobs?

Yes, see my comment above.

Where can AI add value in recruitment selection?

It can assess skills, rank candidates and provide a prediction on the likely success of a candidate in a given position. It can speed up sourcing and screening and provide the candidate with answers to many questions while engaging them. It can communicate with candidates, recommend salaries, and enter data. It will be and already is an invaluable assistant.

Thank you for the answers Kevin Wheeler, the Founder/President of Global Learning Resources, Inc!